Disini kami membagikan Foxit PhantomPdf Full ini lengkap dengan patch untuk mengaktifkan aplikasi ini. Jadi kalian akan mendapatkan Foxit PhantomPdf Full Version dengan gratis.
Features Of Foxit PhantomPdf Full:
- Professional management PDF documents
- Capable of producing a document with the support of at least 100 different formats
- Ability to scan directly to PDF pages
- The ability to view and print documents
- Secure through password sharing
- Direct Edit professional documents
- Add Header and Footer document
- Management pages in multi-page documents
- Unable to connect to database
- Record information about the PDF document to prevent copyright
- Full electronic forms design
- Fast to install and run
- Low volume to Features
- Community support files
- Compatible with different versions of Windows
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- Lalu jalankan file “Express2BusinessFix New.reg” dengan cara klik 2x file tersebut.
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- Selesai.